Chinese Wushu & Kung Fu Classes in Irvine, CA

Chinese Martial Arts. Traditional Wushu Kung Fu, Long-Short Weapons & Applications. Wushu Theory-History Research & Studies.
中國武術. 拳術與長短兵技擊. 武學研究. 成人青少年兒童武術班.

通備武學 Tongbei Wushu System

"通備武學(Tongbei Martial Art System)" is not a martial art "style", but an integration of the excellence from many Chinese wushu/kung fu styles, which formed a rigorously structured martial system with magnificent training contents.
(li xiang hui tong, ti yung ju bei, tong shen da hua, bei wan guan yi)
These phrases are the principles and guidelines of Tongbei studies and trainings, it is also a state in martial arts which has been praised highly, that is why it is called “通備(Tongbei)”, also because of its well-rounded and rigorously structured theoretical and techniques, therefore it is a "武學(wu shue, martial art system)”. 

"理" - refers to theoretical of martial arts and the principles of guiding concept.
"象" - refers to forms, methods and techniques.
"會通" - means understand thoroughly.

"體" - refers to health, fitness and self-cultivation.
"用" - refers to application, combat and fighting.
"俱備" - means fully equipped.

"通神達化" - means to advance your skills to maximum, and transform them into your senses and reaction.

"備萬貫一" - means to equip everything you have learned, and then merge them into one.

If your only purpose of learning martial arts is to pursue fighting, but with the lack of interest or concern to health, fitness, overall well-being and the knowledge of physical mechanics, sometimes even causes injury to the body for contrary motions against bio-mechanics, then it is not the purpose of those great masters who promoted martial arts in the past.

If your only goal is for the benefits of health and fitness, or only for competition with so-called ”difficult movements”, but fully disregard and ignore the content of martial applications and the purpose of combat and fighting, then those movements you do have no difference from dancing, gymnastics or figure skating, but not better.  Without the martial application contents, it can not be called martial arts” any more.

Only a system which can help you master both "理" and "象", as well as "體" and "用" is a well-rounded and completed martial art system

For extended reading, please go to the links below:

當代通備武藝碩果僅存的三位老師 - 馬賢達 馬令達 馬明達 (馬鳳圖先生的三位公子)




所謂「體用俱備」,「體」是指健身、健體、養身;「用」是指應用、實戰、格鬥。若只為追求實戰格鬥之目地,而不能達到健身、養身之功能,甚而有違生理,對 身體造成傷害,則已失運動之宗旨,亦絕非先賢們提倡武術之目的。若只有健身、養身之功能,而失去應用、實戰、格鬥之內涵,則與舞蹈、體操又有何異,根本不 能稱之為武術。只有同時具有融會貫通的拳理與拳法、同時俱備有健身、養身、實戰、格鬥之功能,才稱得上是一個健全的武學體系。
